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Is anyone else having issues with the Android download saying it's out of date? 


If somebody can help with this it'd be much appreciated. Wanna fix the problem, but I don't have Android on my own D:>

u can use an emulator,, 

gameloop, memu or bluestacks...


Excited to see where this game goes!

I'm working to deliver it as soon as I can!


Don't let yourself be rushed! All good things take time ^^

Ahhh thank you! I'm trying to not to burn myself out as well hahaha should've mention. Thank you! :3

Love it so far! Only request I have is please do group scenes in the future like a threesome with Loona and Millie!

Also if you ever need a proof reader, let me know! I'd love to help with this project!


Thank you so much for your proofread proposal! Maybe maybe maybe. but later (since it's not too much to proofread right now).

> I have is please do group scenes in the future like a threesome with Loona and Millie!
Yup! Will add group s 3 x a bit later in the game after introducing other characters >:3

(1 edit) (-7)

Aw what only the intro nothing else thats a rip i feel scammed


The game is under development and I'll provide more content soon


But it's free?


Question: Are we a only Sinner in this game or are we allowed to be a still living breathing human?


I think the answer is you gotta be Sinner 🫢


Darn, i would've love to play as human that accidentally falls through a portal to hell, is taken/sent to hell due to a crazy  satanic cult, or possibly the human can us magic so can open portals to hell, but could have transformation magic so he can become a sinner, hellhound, imp, inuccubus, a goetia, and etc. Also the magic could help him sneak into heaven, where he could help Charlie out by sabotaging Adam and Exorcists or possibly expose Extermination Day to rest of heaven.


Oooof that’s a good plot starter!

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Thanks, you can use it if you like it so much. 😆


Okie dokie and thansk! I hope one day I'll make it playable scenario >:3

What fetishes can we expect?

Hmmmmmmmmmm I dunno yet..?

this was fucking amazing! but mate please add an easer egg for naming yourself moxxie i beg of ya

But it's already there... Millie saying something like «I'm sure it's not your name»

The name is case sensitive, lowercase M doesn't trigger the response 

(1 edit)

Damn it, you’re right!

I found a way to fix it and now is working properly, thank you!~♡

should have add me, but you know what it fine

"Take that depression!" 



Hmm this make me remember a game that also have a guy fall into hell and bring all the girl to his harem


Oh uh… Hellta… I mean helt- I mean do you mean hellta I mean 👀

Hell taker, when i saw your game my first though that is " does this game is a fan parody of hell taker cause the art style kinda similar and the begin of story also have some similar "

Hell taker, when i saw your game, it make me think that is your game get some idea from hell taker cause the art style and the begin of story kinda similar

It's just the way I draw but maybe unintentionally yus I'll take it as a compliment!~ :3

I like your art style. Do you plan to add a translation after the game is developed enough?

I can add Turkish translation.

Yup after at least couples of chapters are done :3


idk if its in the game and im too lazy to test but if its not in the game add an easter egg for naming urself moxxie (image is there to make fun of the internets current state)

(1 edit) (+8)
Amadeen! Add stella after Loona chapter and my life is your!

If everything is going to be alright and I have enough budget to add someone (my artist pals/mutuals) to the project then...

I'd like to add «Scenarios» button to the main menu so you (and other peps) can play little scenarios that's are not aligned with the main plot. Something with Stella for example... :'3


my life is now your:)




I want noncon so bet I want to choose ever sick perverted anime kink since it seems like I have powers it would be body morph adult characters in body type like petite body, make them look like a teen character, or a milf. It would near if we risk into the as a master assassin and take over the company as an overlord.  


My last suggestion about Loona: can we have a choice in game for loona to either be female or futa? I want this because!

1: i am a Loona simp I can’t deny it. 🥵

2: doing it will of course increase some amount of art work to do but it also will bring people who would like to be dominated by our Gothic hellhound (me included).

3: imagine a sex scene where crossdressing Moxxie gets railed full nelson by Loona! Ahh~ 😘 chef’s kiss

But anyway it’s all up to you Amadeen will you make it or not. 🥺


I dunno about futa etc since it's a lot to draw :'3

But I do like the idea of being dominated hehe...

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Yeah i thought as much. I should’ve except this answer since you said you going to make us choose our gender which would make the work on loona too tedious…

Ahh well~ We still get loona so it doesn’t matter! Also i played the demo and i say (Nice✨👌) 5🌟 and a follow!

Hope the update will come soon.

Goodluck Amadeen!


Thank you so much! I think IF everything is going to be alright and I have enough budget to add someone (my artist pals/mutuals) to the project then... I'd add «Scenarios» button to the main menu when you can play such things — it's easier and more likely to be done because I don't have to align it with the main plot :3

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Is there going to be loona in the story?


The dev said yes


Yes! She will be the next girl :3

Whoa i love the art! this is gonna be amazing when its finished

Thank you — I'm working on it! :'3

I want to clarify, will there be all the characters from the hell boss and we can interact with all of them, talk to them, and so on?

Not all of them of course (it's too much work), but at least I plan all main characters!


Art is beautiful but story is short it took me a while to realize its under development i cant wait for more keep up a good work :3


Thank youuuu! I will keep going! >:

I love your art. 

I got a new android phone recently and tried downloading the game but it says it was built for an older version, could you please fix

Oooh that's strange! I'll try to fix it in later updates :'3


Alright, this is already SUPER COOL, and I'm shocked how invested I already got in the story. The art's incredible (Obviously), the story's neat, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Also, I'm already theorizing about this, which is a big achievement, so great job!

(I feel like Millie was hired to kill MC, but then there was the common "Oh wow your dicks so big, yada yada yada, we have to bang now", demon puss was so great it killed him OR head was crushed by demon thighs (explains the headache, and maybe the drowning?), which is why the horny thinking helps.)

Needless to say, I'm super excited for the next update, keep up the AMAZING work!

Also this is a time I'm mourning my lack of disposable income because otherwise I'd already be a member of your Patreon, you definitely deserve the support.

Aaaah thank youuuuu! Thanks for the feedback!~♡


i just know you didnt read allat and youre just saying thank you for the sake of being nice

But why... 😭

Looks fantastic! Cant wait to see the rest, keep up the good work.

Thank you! I will keep it coming :3

What happen with ma boy


You will learn it eventually! Actualy that is the main point of the game — is to learn how you died and possibly get revenge on everyone involved. Well of course the other main point of the game is to have s❌x with hotties 👀

Love the art, keep it coming.

Thank you, I will! >:3


looks Great,Im really Looking forward to more content😆️

Thank youuuu


Great art style, can't wait to see more! Hoping to see a lot more from this.

Only disappointing thing was the fact there wasn't more.


Thank you for feedback! I'm working on more right at the moment and will ty to deliver as soon as I can uwu

is this forever free or do i need to pay to get the full version once completed?


It's going to be free! But anyone can support me via Patreon anyways — it helps a lot and motivates in general 😊

(1 edit) (+1)

ive been following your patreon for a while so i cant wait to play

Uuuuh thank you!

I have high hopes for this! looks good for what we got so far, and I'll come back after I finish this to give my thoughts, and hopefully be helpful lol.

Thank you! I'll be waiting :3

ok, a lot shorter than I thought it would've been lol, but from what I saw it looks very promising - LOVE the art style and the way it look so smooth, partially mixed in with an anime style - well blended I say; now, my one and only gripe about this, while it is my own personal opinion and doesn't need to be respected as I'm sure others are fine with it, is the word "Gooning" I'm a person who honestly dislikes the slang from today. to me it's very.... ugh, once again it's my opinion and you and any other people can disagree with me on it.

Oooooh nooooooooooo! Not gooning! Anyway okay! Gotcha! And thank you so much for feedback ~ ♡


Congrats on the release, bro!


Uh oh uh 😳😳😳

Haven't played it yet but, can you play as male or female in this game? Or is it only one gender to play as?


Heyo! One gender for now~

(2 edits)

Just finished playing it even though it was short since it a new game, it is amazing and keep up the good work. 

And I can't wait to play as a female MC since "Lesbian" is my favorite genre in AVN.😆😆😅😅

Ahhh thank you! 😳


A little tip: There is a setting to mark your builds for specific platforms (Mac, Windows, Android) which helps to install your game through the app.

If you don't set this option, the app will think that none of your builds will match one's platform.

I didn't know! Thank you!!~ ♡

Hope this works correctly now..

super excited to see how this game turns out and it already looks super good so far!!! keep up the good work :


Ahhhh thank you! I'll keep working on it and try to update as fast as I can >:3

so i have a silly question what is the player in this game are the an imp? or something?

This is what you'll need to discover yoursefl with future updates >:3

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no compatible downloads were found

you spelt mystery wrong in the desc.  

High hopes...

a) are getting old 'cause this people are so old
b) high hopes for a living; didn't know how but I always had a feeling



no seriously mystery is spelt mistery in your games desc.  I can check for more grammatical errors in the actual game if you want help with that

I like to tell jokes but if you need grammar checking I am... Just okay really.  I ain't gonna say im a master speller

Thank you very much! Maybe later.. right now it's still in progress and will be changed plenty of time... :3

sure sure grammer is supper important when it comes to vn style games so I can help where I can by pointing out major ones.


will there be gay content or only straight?


I plan to add crossdressed Moxxie content laytur


Intersex loona?

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Okay big question: is Loona going to be in it?


Yes! She's going to be the second girl


yes please!

No virus right?

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It should be safe! At least I did not intent or insert any harm.

Sorry I don't really familiar with Android... 😔

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Heyo! What platform do you use? Mac, window, android?

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Can Sallie Mae be in a future update?




I would love to have sex with that sexy hot Futa Girl.



Yea they're just trans MtF that kept the dick, not a futa.

Futa is a shortening of the Japanese word "Futanari", which directly translate to "Hermaphrodite", meaning having both set of genitals that're capable of reproduction.

Trans people aren't futa, just whatever gender they've transitioned to.

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