Is Millie cheating on Moxxie? (The answer is «It's up to your decision, player!»)

Work in progress sketch to  increase the appetite :3

My concern was: Millie cheating on Moxxie and what some players can feel about this (like feel terrible)?

So I asked my patrons...

So I plan to... Make decision up to you!

You choose if Millie is going to be cheating or faithful!

At first (for the nearest future update) I plan to do cheating route as a dead-end, but then will expand it to separate route wich will affect the main plot. Making cheating optional (and doing routes in general) is going to add more work to my schedule, but respose to the very first demo was so good... I can't stop now!~ 💖

Thanks for your attention! See ya soon~ 💖

P. S. Thanks Otaku135! Yes, we totally understand this... 😳

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